Apple Computer, MacBook Pro 15-inch 2.4/2.5/2.6 GHz Core 2 Due, Apple Order Number, MB133LL/A, MB134LL/A, BTO/CTO, Model Number, A1260, Model Year, Early 2008, Part Name, Logic Board 2.6 GHz, Manufacture Part Number, 820-2249-A, Compatible Apple Order Number, MB133LL/A, MB134LL/A, BTO/CTO, Compatible Model Number, A1260, EMC Number, EMC-2198, EEE Code, 22T, 22U, Z3H, Z3J, Compatible Apple Computer Family, MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2008), , [title text='Visit Our Blog Page' style='bold_center'], , [blog_posts columns='3' style='text-bounce' posts='8' category='' image_height='150px' show_date='true'], , [title text='General Information' style='bold_center'], , [section border='4px 2px 4px 2px' border_radius='16' border_color='rgb(243, 21, 21)'], , Shipping Estimate Time, , Product will & shall be shipped in 5 to 10 business days to any location on the United States. As soonest package shipped from our headquarters we provide you the tracking number to our customers., , [/section]
Order you product here: 661-4689 Logic Board 2.6 GHz For MacBook Pro 15 inch Early 2008 A1260 MB133LL/A, MB134LL/A, BTO/CTO ( 820-2249-A ), 661-4689